Sunday, April 22, 2007
Experimental phase is something that we have to go through in our life.Some of us already did and some will.It is a part of growing up,a part of becoming a real person.We experiment with everything,trying to find out new things.Sometimes experimental phase is a good thing,but sometimes is not.I had an experimental phase 2 years ago.It was not good but I am glad I had it.It all started in the summer of 2005.I went to Spain to visit some friends.I was 18 years old and I just wanted to enjoy.I spend 35 days there and I totaly changed.I changed my look,I changed the way I talked,I was a different person.All of that happened because i enjoyed too much.They treated me like a queen.Every single day I would go to some new place,every night I would go out and spend a lot of money because I had it like never before and I enjoyed.I have learned a lot of things,I have seen the things I will never see again in my life ,and I have been to places I will never be again.It was the best holiday of my life.I compare it with paradise,because I had everything,and I was the happiest person.But here goes the problem.When I came home everyone was disappointed.They couldn't recognize me.I was changed.All that happines,and all that things affected me a lot.As I said I changed my look.First i changed a hair color from light brown to black.Then I had a piercing on my belly and a tatoo(but a fake one because i didn't have enough courage to make it).I looked like a freak.When my parents saw it ,they were shocked,until they found out it was fake.My mother asked me a couple of times:"Are you on some kind of drugs?"And I didn't know wether to cry or to laugh at that moment.But then I laughed and a lot,because I thought it was funny,and they just looked at me.My mother was really disappointed and my father said the famous phrase(like every other father i guess):"As long as you live in my house you will respect my rules!"And that ment to take out my piercing and act like a normal girl.I wanted to go out every night and stay till morning,but I didn't know where to go cause you know...My friends also thought I was crazy not just my parents and my boyfriend.My boyfriend didn't wanna go out with me until I got back to normal.Well I could write for hours about this experimental phase of mine but I won't.I think I said enough.This experimental phase made me think a lot.I realised that there are more important things than just to have fun ,and before I do things I have to think first.More important for me is to have the trust of my parents and to have them as friends,to have my boyfriend by my side,to have my friends in my life.And now everything is cool.When I think of it I just laugh and it remindes me to think more next time.
First picture:- man's attitude towards girls; he holds them with his arms, like they belong to him- the carelessness in his walk- kissing one girl, the other doesn't mind- sunglasses hiding his eyes- his tie, usually ties are very uncomfortable for men, but he is ok with itMy explanation:Feel free to have what you want; have the guts to take what you want; wear Guess and live your life as you deserve....Second picture: A commercial for Enyce clothes:- man's mysterious look- unbuttoned shirt, unconservative attitude- his hat- sun and dryness that surrounds him, but he looks so fresh- his closed lips- more mysteryMy explanation:Do you want to be a secret, do you want to be a mystery?You are a secret, you are a mystery, you are a human being... that wears Enyce...
A letter to Mr.Robertson
Dear Mr.Robertson
As english students we decided to write you a letter about the recent show you had concidering English language.We discussed some problems you mentioned.This is our respond to it.
First we talked about what is acceptable and what is correct.After a long discussion we came up with some conclusion.We think that English language teachers should really concider teaching both of these in their classes,because English language is constantly changing and even for a native is hard to recognize what is acceptable and what is correct.
We also talked about the difference in speaking and writing,and wich one of these is more important.We all agreed that throught writing we develope our skills in written English as well as in spoken.Speak is more informal so we need writing in order to improve every aspect of our language.
The last,but not the least is our opinion about accuracy and fluency.We think that fluency is a way to achieve accuracy.By being open to discussion about language with other people we will be able to learn new terms,to see where we make mistakes,and to correct them and pronaunce accurately.
We think your show is a good way to achieve better results in our exams and to improve our speaking skills as well.We hope next time you will have an interesting topic to discuss about.
Sincerely yours
As english students we decided to write you a letter about the recent show you had concidering English language.We discussed some problems you mentioned.This is our respond to it.
First we talked about what is acceptable and what is correct.After a long discussion we came up with some conclusion.We think that English language teachers should really concider teaching both of these in their classes,because English language is constantly changing and even for a native is hard to recognize what is acceptable and what is correct.
We also talked about the difference in speaking and writing,and wich one of these is more important.We all agreed that throught writing we develope our skills in written English as well as in spoken.Speak is more informal so we need writing in order to improve every aspect of our language.
The last,but not the least is our opinion about accuracy and fluency.We think that fluency is a way to achieve accuracy.By being open to discussion about language with other people we will be able to learn new terms,to see where we make mistakes,and to correct them and pronaunce accurately.
We think your show is a good way to achieve better results in our exams and to improve our speaking skills as well.We hope next time you will have an interesting topic to discuss about.
Sincerely yours
Sunday, April 1, 2007

Well..I chose this picture because it's my favourite and it shows the way I am.As you see I am free,free like a bird..and believe it or not at that moment I believed I could fly.I can't find the words to describe how I felt,but it was wild and I was so happy like never before..I thought :"This is brilliant,this is what I need,I wanna stay here for ever".This was my paradise.I was free to do whatever I wanted ..I started thinking about life is a b....,how people are cruel,how Iwould like to turn back time..And then I realized that it is not about the big things,but the little things,they can mean enough.Like:"I love you","Thank you","I am sorry"..We are free if we are able to express our feelings,show people what we want and who we are..And I think that this is not difficult..I am glad that Irealized it..was standing there,screaming,listening to the murmur of the river.I felt like it was screaming with me ,and it looked like it felt my happines,my freedom..Everybody wants it ,at least that is what I think.But I can'd define it,because what it is for me it is not for someone else..But i can say for sure it is something wonderfull.Maybe I am wrong,maybe i don't know what it means to be free but I think that I felt it that day,that moment which lasted for ever..
Shitty first drafts
Anne says that we need to put something,anything on the paper to write a shitty first draft.. I'll put everthing that comes to my mind starting now or is better to say I'll try..3.................................................2...................................................1......................start!!!Well I should write about Anne Lamott's writting and I am not sure do I know how..But I have to, so here we go..As we need to write a quote I chose this that I really,really like:"It's not like you don't have a choice,becasue you do--you can either type,or kill yourself."This is great..This is exactly what is happening to me..ofcourse I chose writting..but I don't know what to write..Well.....It has been over an hour that I am sitting in front of my computer and I just wrote these few sentences..Cool..another 4 or 5 hours and I'll have my homework..I don't know what it is,maybe it's late and i should already be in bed,maybe it's because I am hungry and tired and maybe it's a lack of inspiration..Actually I am sure that is a lack of INSPIRATION..I started my shitty first draft but now I see that is not true what Anne said,that it is easy to write it... And I will never get to second or third...But i think that shity first draft is the best ..because that first draft consists of ideas that first came into your mind,and you won't change them..They just need to be well organised and easy for reader to follow without obstacles,without someones's quotes and stuff like that..The writting has to be simple..The simplier the better...And there is no need for second or third draft..I have an example of person who writes great stories in a few minutes...and she made me believe that the first draft is the best ,and the only thing we need to write is INSPIRATION.
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